Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Getting Started....

Well, here I am. I'm stepping out, stepping up...reaching out. The opposite of how I usually deal with problems in my life. With the encouragement of my husband, who in return has agreed to step up in some areas in his life, I am forming a committee of friends to hold me accountable in this venture. While I am not quite sure what my posts will hold, I have to start somewhere!

I am currently about 19 pounds lighter than my heaviest weight, which is great, but my progress has been very slow. It's taken me about 15 months. In the last year I find that when I am stressed or sad, I tend to become undisciplined in the areas of my schedule, my finances, and my planning. Meals become haphazard and I end up eating out, or just eating unconsciously.

I need to lose more than 48 pounds, but I'm not sure how much. I have never been at a normal adult weight for a woman my height. I'll have to make further goals after I reach this first one.

I have a plan. I'm working with a great dietitian (who I will name later if she wants me to)who has set up a plan based on number of servings of fat, protien, carbs, dairy, veggies, and fruit. It's doable. Of note, I am dealing with two challenges: food allergies and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), which I will talk about later.

That's it for now! Here it is. Now, to let my "Committee" know.

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