Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What the what??? (and blerg.)

I couldn't think of a more appropriate title. The days before the weight went up I was REALLY good. I followed the plan, I exercised like crazy. I gained. I was frustrated, and I fell off the wagon a bit. Not crazy off the wagon, but a bit.

I've been struggling to decide what to think about it, what to hold myself to, and the enormity of my goals. I expect the weight at tomorrow's weigh-in to be up a bit too. We got some bad news at the reproductive endocrinologist, basically that we are both the problem with our fertility. I've been frustrated at how slow my progress is in the face of being really good, and struggling against tracking and being responsible.

So...back to basics.
1. I will photograph all my food this week to help with accountability and tracking, starting tomorrow. I do better when I know I can't hide things.

2. I will not abandon my goals, but I will not hold myself so rigidly to a graph. I find that when I do this, I do fine until I have a little slip-up and then I spend days wringing my hands, feeling guilty, and hiding out. It's not healthy. From now on, every five days, if the graph moves down, I am satisfied.

3. I will work in strength training two times and cardio in at least two times between tomorrow's weigh-in and the next.


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