Saturday, September 10, 2011

Progress, habits, and rewards

I've revised my weigh-in day to Saturday, mostly because I forgot this week...

Right now I have lost 4.8 pounds of my 48 pound goal. That's 10%! I'm on day 19/185, or 10.27% of the way through the time frame. I'm a little behind. That's ok. It was a little rough in the days leading up to starting the blog, and camp was in there. My goal is still reachable...43.2 pounds to go in almost 24 weeks, the average I would need to lose per week is about 1.82 pounds. Challenging, but do-able.

The picture I posted above was my breakfast. It was weird as a breakfast, but good as a meal. Chicken sausage, popcorn, broccoli, and cantaloupe. I put it together as a way of getting the nutrients I need, not as what I felt like eating. I've been adjusting to following a plan, whether I'm getting exactly what I would want or not.

I've been thinking a lot about how in general, I give myself what I want. That goes for food, clothing, toys, and have not learned to delay gratification very well. This is especially true with desserts. When I drive by that cute Top Pot Donuts Airstream trailer two blocks from my house, or see a cake or box of chocolates at work, I indulge without thinking. If I do that once in a day, I can easily forget and then end up splurging several times in that same day. Other days, I find myself indulging several times in a day, justifying the day as a loss anyway. SO...I decided that I need something to look forward to, and to be proud of. I hereby resolve to not splurge on any desserts until I have lost 10 pounds, at which time, I will (very much) enjoy a donut. This will be different for me, but worth it.

1 comment:

  1. i totally know what you mean about feeling like a day is a loss anyway. i carry that logic out in all sorts of ways. not sure i knew it until you wrote it that way. ayyyyy.
    (so thanks.)
    ps. i think broccoli for breakfast sounds quite delicious; not even kidding. ;)
